Martha Holladay

Martha Holladay (92) passed away on Monday October 18th 2021. Ms. Holladay was residing in Calera Alabama at the time of her death and was very happy, alert, and not experiencing signs of illness. She was found by a family member in her recliner as if asleep.
Ms. Holladay is survived by her nephew, George Stegall, and her two nieces Charlotte Teal and Patricia Salvago. She was a faithful lifelong member of the Church of Christ and attended services at the Elliottsville church in Alabaster. She loved all the members there and considered them her family as they did her. She was accomplished at cross stitch and created many lovely pieces which she often gave as gifts.
Ms. Holladay worked in accounting at Metropolitan Life and Xerox Corporation and retired in 1968. After retirement she enjoyed travel and made many happy trips with her sisters with whom she was very close. She also played bridge at the Pelham Senior Center, as well as Mah Jongg which became a passion. She got together often with the Mah Jongg ladies, who became a family to her as well. She liked to go out to lunch with her friends and meet up for a friendly game. She was loved and respected by many, was highly intelligent and could work the most difficult crossword puzzles still at 92.
Martha Holladay led a full and fruitful life and we were blessed to know her.


  1. Rebecca Kent on October 25, 2021 at 3:24 pm

    What a sweet, wonderful
    Christian lady Martha was! Thank you, Trish and family for taking such good care of her. The Lord blessed Martha with a long life and took her peacefully in her recliner. I am so glad to know that. ❤️