Mark Lee Bingham
Mark Lee Bingham, 57, passed away on December 5, 2021.
Mark is survived by his six children, Cassy LeeAnn Dailey (Scott Dailey), Marky Elizabeth Bingham, Ethan Mark Bingham, Elise Brie Bingham, Brinlynn Lee Bingham, and Baileeann Pearl Bingham; as well as his two grandchildren, John Mark Dailey and Asher Scott Dailey.
Mark is also survived by his parents, Ralph Edward Bingham, Jr. and Dorothy Cato Bingham, and his brothers, Herschel Bingham, Ralph Bingham, and Robert Bingham. Mark is predeceased by his brother, David Bingham.
Mark loved the outdoors. He spent the majority of his adult life in the timber business. In his free time, he loved to hunt and fish. Mark’s love of the outdoors does not end with his death. He passed that love along to his children.
The simplest pleasures in life brought Mark great joy. He loved all things sugar, particularly sour chewing gum and popsicles.
Mark’s life was not short of adventure. He was a master story teller, who would recount the most unbelievable details of all his escapades.
Mark will be greatly missed by those he leaves behind.
The memorial service will be held on Saturday, December 11, 2021, at 10:30 a.m. at Charter Funeral Home in Calera, Alabama.
My deepest sympathy. Lifting the family up in prayer and praying Gods comfort and peace during this time.