Joni Lynn Magnusson

Joni Lynn Magnusson, age 62, passed away Tuesday, June 8, 2021. She was a retired Principal and Teacher, in which, she loved and was proud of.

Joni leaves behind her wife, Sharon Bernd; two step-children; three granddaughters; mother; Margaret Magnusson; two sisters, Cindy Magnusson, and Alisa McBride (Danny); brother, Marty Reed.

She was a strong, loving woman and will be missed. Services is to be determined later. In Lieu of flowers, donate to Magic City Acceptance Center.


  1. Cindy Magnusson on June 16, 2021 at 7:22 pm

    Joni is my Sister. My memories are many. We shared the love of sports. We played softball, basketball and track together when we were in High School. She was a Cheerleader and was elected for the Home Coming Court. She was always very competitive and liked to have a good time. I miss those days and all the times we shared. She was 62 years old and WAY to early to pass. She had lots of spirit and affection to give. She always tried to make everyone happy. I Love her and will miss her but the memories I have will last a life time. Sister have a Special Bond – God Bless Her and Keep Her close.
    With All My Love,
    Your Sister,